I am interested in a study group for
Power Hold'em,
Every Hand Revealed,
The Mathematics of Poker,
HOCG v2,
The Theory of Poker, Mason Malmuth's
Poker Essays Volumes 1-3 and eventually
Kill Everyone, but I don't think we'll have enough active participants in this forum. Maybe you can post what you think is the most debatable hand from Gus Hansen's book and see if there's enough interest.
I'm currently reading his "Crucial Hand 2" on pages 25-28, and since pkrfce9 didn't leave any cheat notes for me, ;) I'm trying to understand Gus' equity-based analysis which is different from the ex-showdown EV analysis that I would do. Given the almost "certain read" that Gus had against his raising opponent, my intuition would be that the correct
$EV-maximizing play would have been to flat-call the turn instead of re-raising all-in that Gus did.
ReefAquarium;155498 wroteDoes anyone want to join/start a directed reading group? What books is everyone interested in reading/discussing? (So far I've bought and I still have to read.) Sit and Go Strategy, by Colin Moshman. Winning in Tough Hold'em Games. (I still have to buy and read) Kill Everyone Elements of Poker.