g2;154303 wroteYou made the hand more complicated than necessary by checking the flop. Why flat with KJ on the button if you don't think a 9J9 flop is good for you?
A much better line would be to bet the flop, probably get heads-up. Then check behind on the turn, and bluff-catch on the blank river.
I can tell you why I checked the flop. I called with K-J suited in position and I actually didn't think that J-9-9 was a great flop. It was ok, but not really what I was hoping to see. With that hand I was hoping to see a straight or flush or two pair with my king and jack or two jacks on the flop. I was also surprised to be four-handed at this point in the hand. I was expecting that one of the previous three players had played 9-10 suited or a bigger overpair and was waiting to check-raise. I didn't think that a single bet would win me the pot and I also didn't think it would really tell me where I stood if someone flat-called. I had not committed much of my stack to this pot and I was determined not to get crippled by this hand.