Nayr_Eh;154960 wroteI'll take a strat that has worked for me in a live Satilite at Brantford Casino
Seats to 1500 3 day tourney $150k first prize
Seat to 1000 day tourney
Left over cash from $150 to $60 (they try and make as many seats as posible)
Buy in $60 +5 for 1500 chips
rebuy $20 for 500 chips
add on $20 for 1000 chips (after 4 lvls)
Note: you can top up if you have 975 chip count for 500 or 475 for 1000 most people put 25 in and fold first hand and top up.
Blinds are:
25-25 25mins(I could be wrong on timer correct me if i'm wrong plz)
Break :end of rebuy, add ons
Fields tend to be from 35 to 60 people depending on day
First off most people want to get there money all in because of the rebuy and try to double up. So expect one raise followed by all ins and calls.
I go the oposite way here while rebuys are on.I just play AAs KKs if heads up QQs AK. Yes it's a small hand range but it builds your tight image and thats what you want when the rebuy ends and every one starts playing poker.
So lets say you didn't play any hands and have blinded away your chip stack. If it's a fast table you'll see your blind come around about three times every two lvls. So lets say your down to 475 chips you now rebuy and add on for 2000 chips for $60 you now have 2475 chips with the blinds now at 100-200 you have a M of 11 (or so) plus the image of a tight player.
This is where the poker begins you now can steal blinds in position and yes even out of position. Make plays at pots with out fear of getting called and increase your chip count in the next few lvls.
Note: i have played at least 20 of these and it tends to be the same crowd that plays them. Most play aggressive while rebuys are on and when there over they go into super tight mode trying to protect there stack and get on to the final table.
That strat gets me to final table three out of 4 times.
By the time blinds get to high and you have to play bingo your on the final table with good players that tend to make more final tables then not. On the table i'd say two of the ten are amateurs. But it doesn't matter pick your hands and play well and you'll get your seat.
$125 to win $1500 and a chance to win 150K
This is the way I play and it works well for my style of play. It may or may not work for you. Agree or disagree I was just trying to give a idea on how to play a rebuy.
Thanks for posting your strategy.
How does your stack compare with the others at the final table?
Getting to the final table 15 times out of 20 seems pretty good for a field of 35-60.
How have you been doing at the final table?
How often have you been finishing 1st? How often 2nd?
Are there any huge stacks when you get to the final table from tables doing flipaments?