compuease;153536 wroteAs some have mentioned, important thing here is relative stack sizes.. What are most people buying in for? If the buyins are mostly $100. and under, consider lowering the blinds (perhaps .50/1) to make the the stacks a little deeper in comparison. That makes playing smaller pp's for raises a little more practical.
SB's stack before this hand is around 60-70, I on the other hand had over 100. This is a low limit home cash game where everone buys-in at $20 and blinds set-up starts off at $0.25/$0.50 and increases every hour. At the time when we went heads-up together, the blinds were at 1/2.
So I really don't know if I can make the re-raise play here knowing full well he might also call with almost anything and everything. If he believes I am just making a play, he will call regardless of what two cards he has. However, if he believes I have a big hand, he will fold. I've been playing conservatively tight to that point so who knows what he thinks. Like I said, he's an ultra ultra loose aggressive player.