m_dolens;153538 wrotelooking back on this hand i agree with graham and big chris. i think i should have bet the flop here (which i normally would in this scenario). i chose not to though and here's how it played out:
m_dolens: checks
KEB1966: checks
*** TURN *** [Th 7h Td] [2d]
Nirass: checks
Jacky Runner: bets 120
Slin67: folds
m_dolens: ?
flop is checked all around. UTG leads out on the turn and original raiser folds. now i'm thinking here that this raise represents one of two hands: either slowplaying a 10, or he's betting a flush draw. i really don't think he'd check the flop with a 7 or an overpair. also, since the everyone has shown weakness on the flop he could just be bluffing with air. i still have two people to act behind me. what do you do here?
If you call what are you going to do if he bets on the river? Are you going to call that?
If anything I would fold or raise here. If you raise and get action I would look to fold this hand. This seems like a slow play. Check with a 10 and hope either the pre-flop raiser or some one else does the betting. With it checked around on the flop he bets looking to see if any one has a part and will give him some action.
I think (with out any reads) that it is highly unlikely he is betting into 3 players with a hand that is weaker then 9’s.
Also because it is early I think I fold here and save my chips for later.