pkrfce9;152974 wrotekitchener microdonks need not apply?
PF, call is fine. 90+% of the time you are tossing 25 away but once in a while, you hit it big...
like on this flop! full (or 80%) pot-sized bet is good. start building it up. i'm happy to get it in here if someone wants to get friskyb. lol
you turn the 3rd nut. you bet 250 into a 650 pot. me no likey. you've given someone with KhQo decent odds to draw out on you. or Ah7x? but you really have to wonder what he is calling you down with? 9h9x? i'm going to guess some kind of pair + draw or low flush? lol if he is slowplaying a 'monster'. are you just trying to milk it weakly or afraid you're beat?
river - what are you afraid of? if your check was to induce a bluff, get it all in here. (if you think you are beat, blame your turn bet.) he's got about half his stack in the pot, so i doubt he's folding. i can't fold 3rd nut here the way it has been played. i push here. no point continuing to play this sng with 600 chips if you have been outplayed.
Don't dissargee at all. However the way the hand played out I think we can narrow down his hand range to the point where we can take a non standard line.
pf. standard fold but I've seen a couple of these guys before and will see them again so let's vary our play slightly while it's cheap w/e
flop standard
turn Ah Q (yes he limps that here) Kh Q will shove over a weak looking bet here. I don't see Ah x Kh x calling the flop bet. A set will also shove. I'm fine with either, let's get it in. What if he's only got top pair? It's quite possible as top pair with draw likely shoves over here as well, and again that's fine.
So let's make a weak looking/probe type bet to get him to shove it in or hopefully keep him calling cheaply with top pair and not blow him off the pot.
river What can he call a bet with here? Again he doesn't call the flop bet with Ahx or Khx and if he had the Q plus a fd we would have it all in the middle by now. He may make a crying call with a smaller flush but his line so far doesn't make a whole lot of sense for that. Hard to get paid off by leading out here. So...let's look weak for the second street in a row and see if he jams it.