pkrfce9;152550 wrote
oh, the stop n go? ya, it is one more tool when you have a good but not monster hand and you're pretty sure he would call your push pre-flop with pretty much any 2. when it works, you feel like a genius!
The strength of your hand is not really the issue with a stop n go.
The idea is that it gives you more fold equity than a simple pre-flop shove.
In this spot pre-flop you are getting called if you shove because he has odds to do so. He is likely 60/40 at worse so calling off against your push is a no brainer.
Since you are OOP you can flat his raise and see a flop. You know he is missing the flop 2/3 of the time and you can shove on him. 1/3 of the time he makes some sort of a pair and 2/3 he's got nada. When he misses he is basically calling off the chips with 6 outs (twice) and those outs may not even be good and he will likely be able to talk himself into a fold.
Good players know exactly what you are doing here. Bad players will not.