Kristy_Sea;152317 wrote
eg. How long has Cam been out of the hospital?
Fair enough
Kristy_Sea;152317 wrote
The Wii COPL is over
Was unsticky'd this past weekend AFAIK
Kristy_Sea;152317 wrote
"Samples of stimulating discussion" is the first HOF
Meh....seems like its necessary when we get whether or not to fold AA preflop into 8 pages worth discussion
Kristy_Sea;152317 wrote
"Common terminology" Is in the wrong spot...and stupid anyway, easier to look up terminology in a search'd need a freaking christmas miracle to stumble upon that thread and find a term you wanted to use/define in its current location
This is a poker forum, not a poker forum for advanced players.
I'll be more concerned with the unnecessary sub-forum-ing of the home games section over a few extra threads that rarely gets new posts anyways.