pkrfce9;151685 wroteblondefish, are you out there? my prediction is he'll tell you this is the absolute worst decision you can make
pkrfce9 is psycho, I mean, psychic. :) Calling "is the absolute worst decision you can make"! Calling an all-in on the tournament prize
bubble with just a coin-flip is highly -$EV compared to folding, so it is a very easy fold. Using ICM analysis, you need 62% equity to call against AKo, i.e., you should only call with KK (70%) or AA.
In the famous QQ v. AKs early tournament scenario,
Matt Matros gives complicated explanations of why calling would be correct. As multiple WSOP bracelet winner Bill Chen explains with his Theory of Doubling Up, in order for it to be correct to decline a 57-43 confrontation, one has to have nearly three times the average equity in the tournament. Nobody I know has this high a win rate, including me, so I would definitely call if this happens to me in the first hand of the WSOP.
pkrfce9 wrote(in spite of the fact that it is +cev ha ha ha ha ya BF)
If this was a cash game (e.g., $100 all-in with 1/2 blinds), the correct $EV-maximizing play is to call. As long as you have the proper bankroll and have access to cash if you need to rebuy, you simply choose the action that has the highest expectation. Each time you make the correct call against the all-in "donktard" and take all his chips, you then shout, "SHIP IT, BITCHES!" :biggrin: