Interesting lessons in 2 spots on this hand.
I've been playing some low limit PLO to tryyyy and get decent at 4+ tabling 6 max tables, I find that I don't enjoy playing more than 3 tables...anyhow, here's the hand:
Hand History Posting and Rakeback
Preflop is a standard call given 3 way action, decent sized stacks and the fact that my cards are likely completely independent of the bb/preflop raiser.
Flop I call given that I put BB on AAxx or KKxx. His bet of 1/2 the pot can be see as a cbet/unimproved big pair IMO. I am drawing to 2 pair mostly, as I think all of my 2 pair outs are live at this point...the gut shot may be nice as well.
Turn, I call after time runs out as I'm wondering if he could have AAQT or KKQT..I decide to call, but if he makes a decent bet on the river I have to fold.
River, checked down.
Mistake #1 by PFR -- raising OOP with a big naked pair when he hasn't raised at all in 30 mins that I recall.
Mistake #2 made by me in that hitting 2 pair makes me vulnerable to redraws and that I can't bet my straight for value OOP -- if you are paying to hit your draw/hitting your hand and have to check it down, you aren't playing properly.
So, it seems both villain and I played this hand poorly and I was lucky enough to get the chips.