g2;151458 wroteGood to know. So Graham was right. He just didn't specify whether he thinks its a good move or not, I just assumed he did from the wording he used.
I never said if it was a good move or not, but if I have a big pair double suited and the other cards are decent (ie. AAKTds, KKQJds, etc.) I think its worth bumping it up. It depends on the table though. On a tighter table I'll bump it up, on an aggressive one, depends on position and who is in the hand (ie if a calling station is in, Ill bump it).
You have to think there are a shitload of people playing in these Omaha games at places like Stars and FTP that prodominately play holdem, but want to give Omaha a try. Hence why you see threads like "Pokerstars awards the wrong hand" etc.