Johnith;150647 wrotethanks for the tips guys! I already kind of assumed that weak kings and aces shouldnt be played in early position, but what about two decent cards such as J 10, Q J, K 10, so bassically a face card with a decent kicker? My assumption would be to try and limp these hands from Early and Mid position and if you run into a small raise just smooth call right and fold to a big reraise?
You need software like PokerTracker. With a database of your own hands, you can see how you are doing with them. Check how they do at certain blind levels and at different positions. Check how they do in raised pots, heads up, and on and on.
Your question is way too general and frankly we all play slightly different styles so you need to basically observe yourself and see how these hands are doing for you.
However, if you do want general advice, I would fold those hands for the most part except for certain times in mid to late position where I would raise first in the pot. In other words, tight aggressive players don't generally play these hands.
Most losing players end up as loose aggressive/passive because they play hands like that and then don't know what to do on the flop and turn and start calling bets to "see the next card". A losing pattern in NL holdem.