Wetts1012 Tough table redraw with Hachem, Esfandiari, and BeepBeepImaJeep. Pretty much guaranteed 6 digits though....going for 7?
_obv_ InsaneGuy;148859 wrotelol... is there a reason for that nickname? its his screen name on full tilt
g2 Are you kidding? That's one of the best screen names I've ever heard. /g2 P.S. Why are there now 2 threads for this?
philliivey gooooooooooooooo choron or glen:), watching you on pokerstars live feed. can i be your friend now??????:):)
Choron ur all my friends...hahahaha MUST WIN!!! GODS OF WAR!!! fkfkfkfkfkfkfkfkfkfkkffkkfk why does menlo still have to be in and with 2.3 million in chips(isaac baron is menlo unless you guys didn't know)...He was last year's cardplayer PoTY... Maxime is a very good player too...and Martin is Martine23 from online...Antonio remains... but... Screw THEM ALL I MUST WIN... GODS OF WAR!
Choron i also think BeepBeepImaJeep is a very cool online name...He's a very good young player who I expect to be friends with for a long time now.
MarcoGD Nice work, Glen. Good luck! P.S. PokerStars.tv posted some videos of the event. Glen is in at least one of them.
philliivey stay cool choron!!!!!!!!!! like i said in one of my other posts dont give a fk who is at your table, keep playing they way your playing. i am shaking with excitement and your the one thats playing lol i am cheering for ya all the way bud.:)