westside8 Hand History Posting and Rakeback No reads on any player. Any thoughts on how I played it? How should I play it? Or did I play it right and just got unlucky?
compuease I think you already know the answer, you played it just fine. Got it all in with op on a draw and he hit his 8 outer so you were about a 83% fav.... Just luck (bad) of the draw....
compuease _obv_;148919 wroteshove pre... as played you have to lead the turn... also opponent had 14 outs not 8nope, no bet on flop so when money went in on turn, villian had 8 outs, 4 A's and 4 9's.... Stand by my post hero was 83% to win on turn..
compuease compuease;148920 wrotenope, no bet on flop so when money went in on turn, villian had 8 outs, 4 A's and 4 9's.... Stand by my post hero was 83% to win on turn..missed the spade draw, should have looked at it closer. Still a 70-30 fav though. Well played..
Redington OOP I would reraise the call in general. Unless it was a nitty player who would undercall here with a big hand (not sure why you have no reads was this a MTT?) The first AI is a wide range and you wouldnt mind flipping for his ~700 stack, but the call is somewhat troublesome as he is committing himself to this pot (who knows if he understands that or not). You could probably see how committed he is by a preflop reraise to 1700, but you would be pretty vested in this pot by then it may be a hard fold. The other option is to reraise AI preflop. Given no read on the other player this is a difficult propsition but I would lean towards it. I don't think flat calling is the worst option as you could just fold preflop but oop if villian c-bet this flop do you call? If you plan to check fold then that is weak. If you would call the c-bet then revert back to pushing preflop. When the Ten hits, your golden. But look at it from the other side of the table when the ten comes the villian has 15 outs (he doesnt know you have a spade). This gives him a 1-3 shot, what does the pot give him? After the check raise he has the right odds to call with just 2110 behind. So then really when the ten hits you should push not check raise, but that would be if you knew he had that draw. As it is you have no idea of the range, and the c/r accomplished exaclty what you wanted, it committed him to the call. I think this comes down to oh well that's poker. So the only advice I have is to push preflop to go after the deadmoney uncontested and gain some table image as you should becoming more aggressive as the blinds rise and you have a big stack. PS this is assuming this is a STT.
zunni74 I can't find fault with your play, or your oppt's. He had a tonne of outs and the right price to call on the turn. I hate cards that make your hand and make your oppt a larger hand because you aren't laying them down ever.
m_dolens i would have considered a preflop all in push personally, especially since villian just called the original all in preflop raise. however, you played it well and just got unlucky. it happens.
JimmyHo not sure I liked the way I played my trips over the straight/flush draw, are you kidding me?? get your chips in the middle. You got unlucky. Hard to bet with that flop. Great card on the turn.
westside8 pokerJAH;149268 wrotenot sure I liked the way I played my trips over the straight/flush draw, are you kidding me?? get your chips in the middle. You got unlucky. Hard to bet with that flop. Great card on the turn. I'm talking about preflop.
ItsaMe I agree to shove pf, (maybe fold sometimes..but I can't understand the call) I'm wondering what your plan was on the flop, or a brick turn? Feels like you were compounding mistakes. by Kristy
Kristy he and Mark have been 'out' for years btw, Mario says that was waaaaaaay too easy, up your game.
Milo My first thought, reading the HH, was a re-raise pre-flop (2000?) to isolate the all-in. I do not know if I'd have been willing to call, if villain shoved. The reasoning behind this is that I'd rather play my 10's against the small stack, then try to take on someone closer to me in stack size. With no reads on the table, it's hard to say if Villain folds to the aggression, or just shoves with big suited connectors. But hey, that's why I'm still donking around the lower limits.