m_dolens;148483 wrotethis is a general opinion question. assume middle rounds of an MTT, you're around average stack of let's say 25-ish BBs. you're dealt A10o. how do you value this hand in EP/MP/LP? are you playing this like a premium hand? for arguments sake in all cases let's say the action is folded to you. also assume the players at the table are a sampling of all varieites.
more specifically, are you almost always raising with this hand? folding? calling (just thinking of flat calling the BB with this hand makes me cringe)? i think i'm too tight in my play with A10o. just wanted to hear some other opinions on the matter.
How an amateur like myself would play it...,
Standard 2.5x raise atleast is my first option (especially if I am first to the pot) to try and win it there. Reason: The hand still carries weight in my opinion but it is dangerous to play post flop so try to end it as quickly as possible and don't invest too much!
I would flat out call just about any other scenario unless it is raised then you can pretty much talk yourself to folding this hand. I would always like to see a flop if I can and go from there.
To me, it's safe to assume that if you hit 10,x,x (tp) that you most likely have the best hand unless of course, someone hits two low pairs or a low pair turned set. Don't like to see paint cards unless there's 3 of them in succession. And if no body raised the pot, you pretty much have everyone else out kicked with your 10 if an A hits the board unless of course someone already has two pairs or a low set. If you are drawing to the flush, make sure it's the A and not the 10. My simple rule and if it's not anyone of the scenarios above, I am folding that shit.
Comments welcome to add to my repetoire!