Pinhead;148294 wroteYou want him to fold AJs in the HJ? Or did you miss those ones in the hand list?
If you go through the new strategy for SitNgo from the likes of moshman, or platner. Yes, AJs in the HJ is a borderline situation.
This is definetly a playable hand by most standards but if you get called, you are commiting your stack with AJ in these playing styles.
lets say you have 1700 and the blinds are 50-100. You open the HJ with AJs to 300 and get called by the button and the blinds fold.
the pot is 750 and you have 1400. the flop comes A72 rainbow.
Typcially you value bet this flop for 3/4 pot at 600 leaving you 800 back if you get called what do you do? Your commited to this pot and pretty much end up going broke with it.
Lets say you want to check raise - you let the button bet 3/4 pot and you have to commit your stack or fold at this point.
There is an arguememnt to be made that AJ is a fine hand and against typical calling ranges in a $5 sitNgo you can open your hand requirements.
In the $50-$100 SitNgos I would rather open J9s when folded to on the button then opening AJ in the Hijack.