pkrfce9;147833 wroteconsider the 55 an investment. next time (when you flop a set) you'll be paid back with interest.
flopping trips with AQ is pretty rare; I see a lot of players lose a lot of money with continuation bets in a cash game, especially when it becomes a habit. $55 into a $75 pot is ok, especially with that board. After the raise, better to wait for a better position and fold, as you noted.
Personally, I might check with AQ pre-flop. Yes, I said it, I might check AQ suited, even AK once in a while. Call it backwards thinking if you like, but when most players raise with AK, AQ, checking can actually payoff as your hand is disguised. If you miss the flop, you wait for a better situation and move on. If I have position, I may raise pre-flop, likely 80/20.