Kristy_Sea;148707 wroteYou're right- a HOF would be much better being full of <11 post-158 view> stunted threads from two weeks ago and/or whatever Jeff likes. ;)
I'm also going to guess that the 'tournament schedule' already included doesn't contain a flame war, but rather is more of a FAQ- and it has been deemed HOF worthy...but I could be wrong.
My point isn't that all of my suggestions should be taken, it is that 'this song is ruined' is the only one that was openly liked by someone else thus far, so by either standard I've met the criteria.
Passive-aggressive doesn't suit you Jeff. Would you kindly explain to me why my suggestions have been ignored WITHOUT insulting mine or the forums intelligence by using some lame excuse like "oh I just didn't see your 4 posts"
Sorry, I didn't see your 4 posts....
There is intelligence around here????? Who woulda thought...
On a serious side, it seems like everyone has a different idea in what should be in the HOF. Several have had some good ideas of what type of thread should get in and what shouldn't. As Graham suggested we'll continue to link what ppl think are good threads here and then when he gets back, come up with some sort of defining criteria. OK?
And Kristy, if you could be a little more open in your comments instead of being so obtuse maybe we could figure out what you want... :)