Hellmuth's Mole;324061 wroteJeezus Milo, of course guns are the instrument. But they are the instrument for killing. Why does the average human numbskull have the right to possess one?
And get over the blunt force trauma BS. If guns were easier to get here we'd blow that stat to kingdom come.
First off, it is NOT bullshit, it is the truth. As for your other comment . . . firearms AREN'T easier to get, and I have no problem with that. What i was getting at is that we need to find out why these folks are losing their nut and deciding they want to kill people, rather than look for simplistic platitudes like Premier Dad was today when he mused about a handgun ban while visiting Danzig Crescent. TRY LOOKING AT OUR LAWS, MR PREMIER !!!
We BOTH know that a handgun ban will NOT stop shootings like what happened earlier this week. Those who constantly bring it up are advocating style over substance.
And no, I am not sure what the answer is, but I know that banning handguns, or bullets, is NOT the answer.