GTA Poker
"It is with great regret and sadness, that this announcement has to be made. Beginning May 1st, 2008,, along with, will no longer be accessible as we will be shutting down this forum. Graham has put in a tremendous amount of time and effort into making this forum a better place for the past 2 months or so that he has been an owner here at, but his efforts has proven to be fruitless due to the personal attacks along with the many ungrateful members who take this forum for granted. As a result, a decision was made to shut down this site to protect the sanity of the administrators along with the moderators of this forum, and to protect the best interest of the game (whatever that means). However, a boxing tournament, possibly on the Wii console, is being in the works for all members as a last token of appreciation from all of us.
With that said, all good things must come to an end, and this forum is no exception to that. Unfortunately, not all of our administrators and moderators have the gift of prophesies, so we can't tell you whether or not the next card will be a spade or not to complete your flush draw. In addition, as a group, the administrators and moderators do not believe in mixing politics with sports, or in our case, mixing opinion polls and role play. In conclusion, we want to thank everyone for their support and usage of this forum for the past 14 years, and would like to wish everyone the best of luck with their AA so they won't get cracked more than 12 times in a row. May all your cards be live, your pots be monster, and posts longer than 10 characters long."
Worst April Fools Post EVER
[x] good effort
[x] funny
[ ] true
GTA Poker
[ ] this thread delivers
I'll flush the toilet handle on the way out..
Ok, I guess the gig is up...
Nice one guys. Had me going until I realized what day it was
Almost got caught this morning when they reported that the Briuns had used an inelligible player and would forfeit 4 games against the Leafs allowing the Leafs to get 8th place and a playoff spot :D
Graham;146435 wroteOk, I guess the gig is up...
You made me write all that just to tell me it was a joke?!?!
westside8;146440 wroteYou made me write all that just to tell me it was a joke?!?!
Ahaha... nice try, that was all you ;)
There is a thread on about how Paulson has 500,000 casino chips with defective RFID tags that they are going to resell to the public that has 128 replies and 3500 views already. Man, those guys are dumb.
Hobbes;146439 wroteAlmost got caught this morning when they reported that the Briuns had used an inelligible player and would forfeit 4 games against the Leafs allowing the Leafs to get 8th place and a playoff spot :D
lol good one buddy
have to admit...for about 10secs there, you had me.
Nice hand sir. For an angle shot ;)
Good thing I put down that glass of raw eggs after checking the calender. Yolks on me, I guess.
Sorry . . .
Hey Graham, when can Wes and I expect our severance checks?
Dude I thought you were paid in viagra.
moose;146547 wroteDude I thought you were paid in viagra.
Wes needs Viagra? Whooda known?
Originally Posted by moose View Post
Dude I thought you were paid in viagra.
Wes needs Viagra? Whooda known?
Well obviously Moose would be the first to know.
BBC Z;146590 wroteWell obviously Moose would be the first to know.
Ahh, good point. that's how he's so quick off the mark with this....