Juggling man;145579 wroteI read up to where you reveal the play and stopped so I can put in my 2 cents un-biased. Personally I would find it difficult to put him on a hand here (you say you have a read so...). I read this as a "no matter what comes I'm betting" bet. It's a continuation bet. I say push now and win it there.
Ok now I'll go read the rest of the thread and see how wrong I am.
The reason why I said I had a read on him is because I was with him throughout the whole tournament and he bet the flop everytime he hit and checked when he missed. He would also check if he was super huge too. He also check called the flop with overcards to see if he could spike a card on the turn.
That was why when the flop hit and he bet out right away I knew he caught something...now what did he have... I could not put him on right away definitely but it wasn't strong.
1. A set would check that board (especially if you are chip leader against a short stack you want them to stab at the pot)
2. Two pair would check - same reasons above
3. Overpair would check (if they were smart enough to play the turn properly)
I caught him numerous times doing this by floating the flop and pounding the turn. I actually played this live tourney a little bit more like an internet one doing steals and re-steals. I was actually surprised on how many times it worked...