Hand T4-63888164-5, Started at 3/26/2008 12:09 AM (EDT)
Table 'Petaluma': 20-20 No Limit HE (TournamentChips)
Seat 0: OpelKadet (1,180 in chips)
Seat 4: tof741 (1,510 in chips) (on the button)
Seat 5: Antti 83 (1,480 in chips)
Seat 6: tornado29 (1,470 in chips)
Seat 9: x davis08 (1,860 in chips)
*** Blind Bet Round *** :
Antti 83 : Post Blind (10)
tornado29 : Post Blind (20)
Dealt to x davis08: Jd
Dealt to x davis08: Jc
*** Pre-Flop *** :
x davis08 : Bet (80)
OpelKadet : Fold
tof741 : Fold
Antti 83 : Fold
tornado29 : Raise (120)
x davis08 : Call (60)
*** Flop *** : 2c 7s 3d
tornado29 : Bet (1,330)
tornado29 : All In (1,330)
x davis08 : Fold
*** SUMMARY ***
Pot: 1,620 | Rake: 0
Board: [ 2c 7s 3d ]
OpelKadet lost 0
tof741 lost 0
Antti 83 lost 10
tornado29 bet 1,470, collected 1,620, net 150
x davis08 lost 140
re-raise pre-flop, say to 250-300, if he calls, likely not on AA, KK or QQ. If he re-raises you pre-flop, make your decision then, not postflop. By just calling his min raise preflop, you haven't defined his hand at all. All of this assumes no real read on villain.
that makes sense thanks compuease
Davis08;145342 wrotethat makes sense thanks compuease
YVW... lol... Easy for me to say, not necessarily easy to do....
It depends on why you flatted his reraise preflop. If you only called his reraise preflop because you thought you were behind, then fold since you haven't improved. On the other hand, if you only called his reraise preflop because you were trapping with what you thought is the best hand, then call since it most likely is still the best hand.
Agreed with compuease re-reraise preflop. Depending on yours and his table image and history I'd probably just jam.
From HH it looks like he min-raised you PF...stick another raise in there PF...and I would probably get it AI on this flop (assuming this is a SnG with standard payout of top 3? - this affects a few things too)
I posted a similar hand to this a while ago. Like the others have said, I realized I should have re-raised pre-flop. In this case you probably have to fold unless the player is just a complete maniac, you may be alright.
without reads i think you played it fine... i think you see AA/KK a lot of the time with the min 3 bet then massive overshove on a dry flop
westside8;145346 wroteFrom HH it looks like he min-raised you PF...stick another raise in there PF...and I would probably get it AI on this flop (assuming this is a SnG with standard payout of top 3? - this affects a few things too)
It was one of Chan's 5 player SnG top 2 paid. I can see how if i got flat called if i re-reraised then this would be a good flop for me.
god I hate JJ!!
Had to fold in my opinion. Think you should raised preflop to see where your opponent was in strength. If he called, you're most likely good...if he re raises, I would consider folding preflop.
Buy more info preflop with a re-raise.
If you assume that Villian is a reasonable player, he has no reason to shove that dry dusty board for like 10x pot with a made hand. He had KJ+.
BBC Z;145401 wroteIf you assume that Villian is a reasonable player, he has no reason to shove that dry dusty board for like 10x pot with a made hand. He had KJ+.
i dont know if we CAN assume he is a reasonable player with a move like that.
i dont know if we CAN assume he is a reasonable player with a move like that.
Yer the fkin OP, you tell me. Post a hand with no context, get an answer with no context.
BBC Z;145408 wroteYer the fkin OP, you tell me. Post a hand with no context, get an answer with no context.
are you flippin about somethin for some reason? i was just making a statement.
Davis08;145410 wroteare you flippin about somethin for some reason? i was just making a statement.
And I responded with a statement that your thread sucks balls.
BBC Z;145411 wroteAnd I responded with a statement that your thread sucks balls.
ohhh does it? sorry bout that. i got something out of it tho. you dont have to respond if you dont like the thread.
I think what BBC is eluding to is the missing player read information on the villian. It can change the course of action for you to make, that's all.
STR82ACE;145425 wroteI think what BBC is eluding to is the missing player read information on the villian. It can change the course of action for you to make, that's all.
Seeing as the blinds are 10/20 and looking at the stack sizes i would imagine this is one of the first few hands of the tourney so i dont think any real reads would be possible
_obv_;145428 wroteSeeing as the blinds are 10/20 and looking at the stack sizes i would imagine this is one of the first few hands of the tourney so i dont think any real reads would be possible
All the more reason to re-reraise preflop.
And for the record I agree with BBC Z, we can only make assumptions about the villain since no information was posted about him.