Juggling man
No-limit hold'em, blinds never go up.
This is the hand.
I am short stacked, about 40% down. Blinds relatively inconsequential. At this point I sense my opponent is frustrated so I keep putting the pressure on every hand. I raise every hand no matter what. I'm in big blind. He raises a little less than the pot. I re-raise the pot. He re-raises all-in. I had promised myself I would work on my reading skills and act on my instincts. It's a hole in my game and I was determined to take risks by investing in my reads. That's my mindset at this point. That and winning. I think it through, rewind, re-play. I put him on Jacks or Tens. I have K-Q black.
I will not tell you the rest yet.
What do you do?
If you're going with your read, and you're willing to coin flip, call.
If you think that you have a skill advantage and will be able to work the money back from him - and since the blinds aren't going up - then fold.
If a good % of your chips are in the pot already, I think you should call based on a coin-flip and your read. How you can put him on JJ or TT I am not sure though. Also, you seem like you are getting bored by constantly raising... maybe a quick double up/or elimation is what you need to calm you down.
If its not a detrimental amount already invested might as well fold. No sense risking it all on a coin-flip.
There's plenty of hands he could have here that aren't JJ and TT, including 22 through 99 and any Ace.
He copuld also have a hand like KJ, which would be pretty sweet.
He could also have air and just be sick as shit of you raising and re raising every pot.
It would help to know stack sizes and blinds as well. 40% down could mean a lot of things. You state the blinds never go up, but I don't know what they are. Are they constantly at 50-100 and you have 1000 chips, or are they 25-50 and you have 1000 chips.
Further, you state he raises a little less than the pot while you are in the big blind, again, I don't know what that means. if the blinds are 10-20 did he raise to 28 or something, and you re-raised the pot making it 90 or so to go.
There is a TON of important information missing in my opinion.
Juggling man
ok good point. Blinds 1 and 2. My stack roughly 100 his roughly 240.
his raise is 2. mine is 5 more. I'm raising five every hand.
It's hard to describe why I put him on Jacks or Tens. We had been playing nearly 2 hours. Not just hold 'em we played 7 stud earlier and I had been playing the guess his exact cards game and I was very close most of the time. Demeanor + betting pattern I decided on those 2 hands.
So are you guys playing 1/2 nl heads up. A heads up cash home game?
Is that it?
If that's the case, then this to me is a pretty easy fold.
Juggling man
Yup that's it. Well almost. We're doing best of seven and It's tied at 1
Call for sure,
let me guess, he had ...
ace rag?
Juggling man
He had red nines. I called and missed. My rationale was "I'm short stacked and a good read on the guy if I double through I've got him by the nutsack".
I went on to win it 4-3.
I don't know, you can make an argument for either I suppose. I don't think you're that short stacked with 100 chips and blinds of 1-2. Knowing that they'll never go up, I could probably find a fold here, and look for a better spot.
I have to think that when an opponent who is typically happy to let you railroad him suddenly comes alive, then he may just have a hand.
Juggling man
That's true, what I meant by short stack is "I'm behind".
Thanks for your comments. I'm still learnig and I like to see things form another perspective.