The_Awesome;144773 wroteIt's early in the tournament and you don't know the players. The flop has come Q, J , 10 all hearts. You have the low straight with 8,9 no hearts and are only in the pot for 100 chips (start with and still have about 3,000). 3 other people in and they all have about the same chips as you.
First one raises 300.
Next guy goes all in.
It's on you. Do you call or fold?
One reason for folding that hasn't been mentioned is that your hand is not going to improve. It's the best it's gonna get right now.
From a math standpoint, there is a certain percentage of the time that you are beat here. And if you're beat now, you are drawing dead. If you are not beat, the best you can hope for is a bare-ass flush draw which will win 35% of the time. Against the Ah, he has 12 outs and you are only slightly better than a coin flip. Against the Kh, he has 15 outs and is actually ahead of you.
Add into this that there are 3 other active players in the hand and one has told you he likes his hand and another has told you he loves his hand.
Crunching the actual numbers might be too tough for this hand but I'm very certain this is a bad call in the long run.