blackmagicz;144638 wrote
I think the problem was the two other players (that were mid stacks with me) were intimidated by the chip leader which lead to the deal discussion. I do have to say though in my tourney history anyone who has not accepted a deal has usually been the next person eliminated, I don't know if it is karma or something but it always happens whenever I am involved in deal discussions at the final
If the others are intimidated and want to make a deal then ask for more than them... it never hurts to ask for more than you would be willing to take from a deal... worst that can happen is they say no and you lower your offer.
If others are playing scared you need to use that to your advantage by getting a better deal or by not dealing and exploiting them.
As for the buy in being too much, not at all, I just hate working for 5-6 hours and having nothing to show for it at the end especially when it is 230am and I have to be at work the next day. One of the reasons why I like cash games more than tournies...
So you are willing to decrease long term expected profits in order to increase short term profits?