That's a tough one... with the reraise its hard to call off all your chips with just 2 pair, but its also difficult to put him on any kind of hand. I think that is just one of those unlucky hands where you start off ahead, play it perfectly, but then the other player makes a bad call and gets lucky. Tough break!
It was early in .25 tournament, first off I don't know why or how you get all your chips in that early, you didn't raise preflop nor did he, so you both hit top pair, he wasn't going anywhere with top pair. I don't understand why you just didn't call his bet or raise, at some point you had to realize he hit the board as well. Sure he got lucky but so did you on the flop.
Had to look at it again, the turn card produced a staright possibility and flush possibilities and you still call his all in, that to me was a bad play on your part. If you were going to go all in anyway, you should have done it after the flop, it wouldn't have changed anything but atleast than it proves he made a bad call, but by you letting him the turn card, he had no choice and you did him a favour.
Too many possibilities on the turn. The turn completes a straight draw, opens a flush draw. You only have top and bottom on the flop and turn. So many hands you can be losing to. He raised your flop bet and called your re-raise. We have no history on his play but, it would sound off alarm bells for me. IMO fold here and find a better place to put your money in.
i dont think that turn card could have scared me, i would have had to call all-in/push i dont think anyone is calling the re-raises on the flop with a gutshot. a set would have re-re-raised.. just a bad turn card for you.