Game makeup is 50% seasoned players and 50% neighbours, with 1 uber fish and 1 first timer. 10 handed, 500 chips to start, blinds just hit 10/20.
I am in the BB, a couple limps, including the button. The SB tripples it to 60. I have :9h :9d.
I call the raise, as do 2 others, so the pot is approx 150 chips.
Flop is: :6c :7h :9c
I am thinking that I really like this flop. The button and SB are decent players, but the SB plays a wide range. I was planning to c/r all in on any bet. So I check.
Mid pos player folds to no bet. While the table is explaining what a check is (this was the new guy), button leads out for 150. This basically pot-commits him since he only has another 100 back.
SB goes over the top for 400, again only leaving him about 100 back.
I have the SB covered, but by only about 50 chips.
Is this an easy call? Since the table is pretty weak do you wait for a better spot? Thoughts on what the button and SB have?
Folding top set is srs. business.
since the table is weak, i'd probably push it all in here. i'm thinking small blind has two pair, maybe a flush draw or straight draw. button might have a pair, but i'm thinking it was probably a steal attempt.
however, if i had played this hand i would have led out with a pot sized bet on the flop for two reasons: i) i'm EP and i don't want it checked around to see a possible straight or flush hit on the turn; and ii) i'm playing with newbs (i.e. no reason to get fancy and c/r them because in my experience most newbs don't understand/respect a c/r anyway).
The problem with the c/r is that you have position on the original raiser so a c/r doesn't work. Just bet this out after he checks it. I also doubt that the sb is a decent player after just tripling the blinds with a couple of players and OOP.
My intention was not to really look at the odds, because I was getting the pots odds to call, it was more tournament management. Wasn't fond of being up against both a straight and a flush draw ....
It is early in the tournament, I have an above avg stack, I don't have a lot invested in this pot, I feel that since the field is weak, I will have many other chances to get good hands/play big pots.
Do you still go for the jugular?
Spoiler in white:
I did fold, button had J7o for middle pair and a bad draw (he was tilting from a previous hand, donk!) the SB had KKo with no club.
Board: 9c 6c 7h
equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 87.634% 87.04% 00.59% 786 5.33 { 9d9h }
Hand 1: 09.561% 08.97% 00.59% 81 5.33 { KdKs }
Hand 2: 02.805% 02.21% 00.59% 20 5.33 { Js7d }
Where exactly do you think you are going to find better spots?
To quote another forum member. "I break my wrists getting my chips into the middle"
cadillac;142737 wroteBoard: 9c 6c 7h
equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 87.634% 87.04% 00.59% 786 5.33 { 9d9h }
Hand 1: 09.561% 08.97% 00.59% 81 5.33 { KdKs }
Hand 2: 02.805% 02.21% 00.59% 20 5.33 { Js7d }
Where exactly do you think you are going to find better spots?
What if the hands I was up against were JTo and AKcc ?
(sorry, I don't have the ability to install the stove on my work pc)
Even if he flops the nuts you have outs to fill up. You can never reasonably put him on the nuts exactly (It is just part of his range). So you get it in here always.
BEAT - I did fold, face up, and took a bunch of ridicule
BRAG - Soon after was chip leader, HU AJ lost to A9 when I was 3:1, ended up 2nd.
if you fold top set, you can come to my home game any time!
I could never fold that. Given the chip counts you HAVE to get them in there.
Your worst case is Tc 8C which is almost 70% to win. If he had AcKc you'd be ahead huge so get it in there
Board: 6c 9c 7h
equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 74.444% 73.54% 00.91% 728 9.00 { 9h9s }
Hand 1: 25.556% 24.65% 00.91% 244 9.00 { AcKc }
folding top set here is a much worse leak than open limping with 27o
I will just say I chose my handle carefully ... yes, I am a donk.
i think i would have to call even if a player could have played T8s or something.. i would put him on 2 pair or a set before that? i like your hand :)