stpboy;141136 wrotePlaying in a very deep cash game.
Limper2 sitting with 150BB
Hero siting with 125BB
Player A sitting with 80BB
Limper1 sitting with 50BB
This is your first hand at the table, no reads.
Hero posts in late position. Two limpers before Player A makes it 4x to go.
I'd like the preflop raiser to have a bigger stack (around 120BB).
I'd also like to know that the two limpers are also calling and not raising before I come in.
If the limper had 150BB and there were 2 cold callers behind the raiser I'd be fine with calling the 4BB raise.
But as played I'd fold this 80-90% of the time.
Both limpers call, Hero calls with 56h
Four to the flop.
Kh 2h 4d
Limper1 checks.
Limper2 Bets 7BB
Hero Calls.
Player A re-raises, making it 40BB.
Limper1 Folds.
Limper2 goes all in for his 150BB.
Action on the hero, what do you do here? Is this simply a math decision to you? Without reads or knowledge of how much the money means to each player, I can only assume both have hit large. Or is that wrong to assume that?
You have 9 outs to a flush and 2 more to a straight.
But your flush outs are non-nut outs. So you have to discount them. I'd say you have 8 discounted outs.