liquidfire;140863 wroteI was bored at work so I decided to post some random questions for people to discuss about if their bored!
Since live is much slower in number of hands played per hour compared to online, I would assume maybe thats why online sites decided to have lower chip stacks and shorter levels?
Lets say for example you have the following tournament live:
5k starting chips, 20 min levels
300-600 25
400-800 25
500-1000 50
500-1500 50
1000-2000 100
What do you guys think this structure would be equivilent to online? A standard 1500 freezeout structure on Pokerstars? Or maybe a deepstack structure on Fulltilt?
I've always wondered what structures online are equivilent to certain structures Live.
Is there any programs out there that can do a comparison of a live structure compared to an online structure?
There are two standard ways to compare tournaments. One is to use Arnold Snyders, "Poker Tournament Formula". The other is to calculate the 1 hour M.
The one hour M is the M of a starting stack after an hour of getting blinded out.
The multiply the online one hour M by a conversion factor to account for the differences in hands/hour between live and online (approximately 2)