24ginger As you can see, this section is for other forms of poker and gambling. Now I understand the rules of games like Omaha, Stud, and blackjack. But what is pineapple and spades? Never heard of them! If someone could explain how these games work (and maybe some of the others like the difference between Hose and Horse) I might take a little time out from my No Limit Hold'em and have a go at these other games.
Hobbes http://www.playwinningpoker.com/poker/rules/pineapple/ HORSE and HOSE are mixed games. H = Holdem O = Omaha R = Razz S = Seven Card Stud E = Seven Card Stud (Hi/Lo) Horse is Limit
BROOKS *I think its SHOE and not HOSE but whatever lol Pineapple is no fun. Being an omaha player, Pineapple just hurts my brain. Its like playing omaha except you dont get to keep your redraws! lol Do I keep my AA and which gives me a set of aces, or do I drop an A and keep the suited K which gives me 4 to a flush? 9 times outta 10 if you're going for the flush, the board will pair and you wouldve had a boat, and vice versa.
Hobbes BROOKS;140676 wrote*I think its SHOE and not HOSE but whatever lol It's HOSE on Stars but it really depends on the order of the games. Pinapple and crazy pinapple are loads of fun.
JohnnieH Hobbes;140738 wrote Pinapple and crazy pinapple are loads of fun. Micro-Limits Insane Pineapple=Best drinking game ever.
aj10101 pineapple is much like hold'em and omaha. There is a small and big blind, there is a flop, turn and river. The difference is that you start with three cards, and you finish with two. Most people play crazy pineapple. this is where you start with three cards, and after the betting round on the flop, but before the turn comes out, you discard one card.
schabs Pineapple, and Crazy Pineapple are very fun poker games, personally I'd rather play 1/2 DC with holdem, omaha hi and 2 pineapples
JohnnieH aj10101;141727 wrote Most people play crazy pineapple. this is where you start with three cards, and after the betting round on the flop, but before the turn comes out, you discard one card. Insane Pineapple: The card you toss is discarded FACE UP. Pretty sweet eh?
aj10101 JohnnieH;141771 wroteInsane Pineapple: The card you toss is discarded FACE UP. Pretty sweet eh? How have I not heard of or thought of this before? I know what I'm playing next dealers choice night...
FRoSTy H.O.R.S.E H = Holdem O = Omaha R = Razz S = Stud e = stud eight or better a.k.a Stud Hi/Lo hose basicly the same except without razz bassicly every form of poker has 7 street like in holdem 2 hole card = first 2 street then the flop = 3 4 5 + turn = 6 and river = 7 and now the stud like game 7 card are dealt but one at a time afther each betting round.. omaha there's 7 also since you only use 2 out of the hole and not 4 and pineaple and those others game well i cant help you out mate... hope it clears up a thing or two
harvman Spades is a trump game kinda like Hearts if you've ever played, but if you're thinking of a poker version, I used to play a game called "Black Chicago" which is a version of Stud. It's a split pot game where high hand takes half and the highest spade in the hole takes half. It tended to be a pot building game for sure. Cheers