I was ready to wage holy war last night, but since I do enjoy this forum I decided to sleep on it...unfortunately I'm even more angry today with the closing of the thread.
If you are allowing us to be adults, Mom- why was I threatened to be put in time out and then you take our ball away anyway?
I started a thread, that was supposed to say "I was a jerk, and I've seen lots of other people being jerks- Since I can't change the past..let's laugh about it"
I got
a slam from someone with reasons/motivations so paper thin blind monkeys could see/think through it. (see: short, funny
A mod who told me that I was going to be banned if I didn't change the language of my response..despite the fact that the very same words were featured in the OP.
My first suggestion was to remove both 13cards irrelevant post and my response since they had nothing to do with the point of the thread. I feel this was a fine compromise, but as per usual, the illogical fairy strikes and a superior solution was ignored infavour of all this horse-shit...
good time management guys, this could have been handled better in about thirty seconds....
For any of you wondering "I told that mod to 'do what he feels he needs to' as I was not changing it."
I do not apologize for this in anyway, not that I could imagine how to apologize for being right, and finding a better compromise.
Dear brothers,
As an aside I actually hate the reposters at large for once again being such pussies that they can't say...'you know what, his post was a tangent, and he was rude...and since he chose to jump in the kitchen..I'll let him take the heat.'
I'm a big girl who does not need your backing, but I'm tired of all this "world-peace! let's do each other's nails" when the asshole was clearly looking for a fight with "this is the stupidest thing I've ever heard"
Seriously attention or stay out of the way, but don't jump in and defend the overbearing jerk raining on what was supposed to be a fun thread without at least acknowledging that he's the suicidal jerk that jumped in front of a bus.
I've enjoyed this forum but I spend waayyy too much time here so I'm drawing my line in the sand as I said to the Mod last night.
I will not be edited or censored. It is clearly win-win for me to stand firm on this, either you ban me and I stop wasting time on a forum that is (at that point) no longer fun for me; or you allow me to post and repost in a manner that I'm enjoying and the fellow forumers make the 'ignore decision' for themselves.. I continue logging hours and hours.
Best of luck either way.
The thread was closed b/c a member said they were going to leave the forum over the post. This fighting does not look good to new potential members, and if you guys have issues with one another you should keep it to PMs. You are both valued members so we do not want to see either of you go. The thread was closed so you guys can cool off as it looked like it was going to escalate into something very heated.
Kristy, as per our MSN chat, we will continue this on there later. Look forward to talking to you.
Hey Kristy,
When I first read your post my thought was almost the same as 13Cards (i.e. WTF, she's supposed to show first, why did she throw a hissy?) and I nearly posted something - and then I realized that you weren't posting to say "hey, look at what an asshole THAT GUY was", you were posting to say "hey, look at what an asshole I was", and then invited people to share their own stories of assholishness.
I realized that my initial response wasn't what the thread was about, so I stopped typing mid-post.
Since I am perfect at the table, I didn't have a response to share, so I didn't post anything. I kid, I kid. I've actually been thinking about my worst behaviour since then and trying to pick the juciest story to share.
I think it's pretty lame to close a thread. I've been impressed with the new owners so far - but they seem a bit scared about things getting out of hand quickly. In my experience most things like this die down after a few days....deleting or closing threads always makes things worse in my opinion.
The thread was closed b/c a member said they were going to leave the forum over the post.
Graham, if you are going to cave to the idle threats of a member leaving this forum, I suggest you re-sell CPF to someone who actually understands how to run one.
If everyone left the forum who threatened to do it, there'd be no one here. People may be fired up over something and leave.. then the work-boredem kicks in, and they're right back to where they were.
And now Kristy is threatening to leave the forum as well...
I also disagree with the closure of the thread. 13cards was posting off topic.. perhaps a little clarity on the purpose of that thread would have helped... I got it, but obviously 13cards didn't...
but as per usual, the illogical fairy strikes and a FINAL solution was ...
Hahaha... fixed your post
ElElliott;139958 wroteHey Kristy,
When I first read your post my thought was almost the same as 13Cards (i.e. WTF, she's supposed to show first, why did she throw a hissy?) and I nearly posted something - and then I realized that you weren't posting to say "hey, look at what an asshole THAT GUY was", you were posting to say "hey, look at what an asshole I was", and then invited people to share their own stories of assholishness.
I realized that my initial response wasn't what the thread was about, so I stopped typing mid-post.
Since I am perfect at the table, I didn't have a response to share, so I didn't post anything. I kid, I kid. I've actually been thinking about my worst behaviour since then and trying to pick the juciest story to share.
I think it's pretty lame to close a thread. I've been impressed with the new owners so far - but they seem a bit scared about things getting out of hand quickly. In my experience most things like this die down after a few days....deleting or closing threads always makes things worse in my opinion.
I think I misunderstood the title of the thread also, and my thoughts were with 13cards also... but it seems like this was just a big misunderstanding. I'll reopen the thread and you guys can kiss and make up... ;)
Yes, you are right... I am worried when I hear long time members saying that they are gonna leave over a thread. Maybe I am overreacting... what do other people think? My goal is to make this YOUR forum... if I have to I'll stop posting.
BBC Z;139961 wroteGraham, if you are going to save to the idle threats of a member leaving this forum, I suggest you re-sell CPF to someone who actually understands how to run one.
If everyone left the forum who threatened to do it, there'd be no one here. People may be fired up over something and leave.. then the work-bordem kicks in, and they're right back to where they were.
I am learning still guys... try to go easy on me :)
Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.... I think it was just a big misunderstanding.
we use to be able to modify our own threads so they stayed on topic; maybe bringing back that function would be useful so threads could be modified by the person starting the initial thread.
I have to take Graham's side on this one, its his site and he should be allowed to run it as he sees fit. If you don't like the way he manages it, tell him or go post somewhere else. You have a choice in the matter. There are rules regarding posts and if you stick to them, there should be no issues.
btw, I also was banned from posting at one point.
I think there were a few mistakes overall here
A: Misunderstanding by 13Cards and using it to attack
B: Pulling out the ban-hammer
C: Closing the thread
Communication is never easy online... experts say we get 80% of the information transferred in communication from non-verbal sources. Remember that online is 100% verbal communication (okay.. 95% because of emoticons).... so basically our ability to communicate well is severely impeded by the medium.
Oh Marshall McLuhan..... where are you when we need you?
Hey Sis,
It is true that often posts do not go the direction in which you have planned.
That is unfortunately what happens when you have people involved. People interpret things in different ways and some of them even have opinions. :)
You always add a bit of color around here and I for one would not want to see you go. But when your post translates "My Way or the Highway" I would have to wave goodbye. Nothing successful comes from anarchy
Your description of your actions in the OP comes across as really douchey breach of etiquette IMO. I don't act that way at live tables and don't plan to at any time in the future. I would assume that most people would not have something along the lines of this to post (about their own actions). For that reason the thread is really just a bad idea in that it has no intrinsic value.
I did see it as an opportunity for me to say that I feel it is a BS way to act at the tables and I see it far too often. I will always feel that way and I am sorry if it offends you but my values are not about to change.
This forum has gone without leadership for a long time. You look at any popular forums on the net and they are all modded much more aggressively than ours. I am happy to see some leadership now. We will work through the growing pains and come through the other side with higher quality posts and a more respectful forum. I hope you are a part of it when we get there.
Graham;139963 wrote My goal is to make this YOUR forum... if I have to I'll stop posting.
I personally prefer a Mod who is an active part of the community - not some Big Brother who only comes in when there are problems.
DrTyore;139973 wroteCommunication is never easy online... experts say we get 80% of the information transferred in communication from non-verbal sources. Remember that online is 100% verbal communication (okay.. 95% because of emoticons).... so basically our ability to communicate well is severely impeded by the medium.
Absolutely! Some people may come off agressive, but its just the wording they are using. I think we all need to consider this before reacting sometimes (esp. myself).
cadillac;139978 wroteThis forum has gone without leadership for a long time. You look at any popular forums on the net and they are all modded much more aggressively than ours. I am happy to see some leadership now. We will work through the growing pains and come through the other side with higher quality posts and a more respectful forum. I hope you are a part of it when we get there.
Another valid point... I am already feeling those growing pains trying to guage what the general consensus is. :-\
You're new Graham...
Trial by fire! :) Come out to a few home games, win us over with your charm, and.... well... not much'll change.. :)
Well I gotta add my 2 cents here since we're all kissing and making up, (not you Mark, I am NOT kissing you..).. mmmmm makeup sex.... Didn't that used to be the best thing?
Now to get back to the subject at hand. I think I understand why AJ decided cut and run.. Not out of fear but rather from frustration that some can be so immature and love the drama too much. Maybe I've gotten too old and jaded but soap operas are not for me. In my MSN convo with Kristy last night, (which I still have a copy of) I asked her to remove some of the worst of the elements, part she did but did not want to remove the f** you.. When Graham saw it he decided to lock it to prevent further flames. Right or wrong I agreed with him....
I had a much longer dissertation written but decided to tone it down for the good of all concerned....
I will not discuss this any longer on here but would be glad to via face to face or telephone. I pack a mean right hand... :)
To add to Jeff's post, please try to take it easy on the mods... they are just trying to act in the best interest of the forum and on my behalf, so if they do something wrong, please blame me! They do a great job and I don't think they get the credit they deserve. Thanks to both Jeff and Wes! You guys are awsome!
compuease;139989 wrote I think I understand why AJ decided cut and run.. Not out of fear but rather from frustration that some can be so immature and love the drama too much. Nail...
AJ I'm not tolerating that:
I'll only post the details if you force me to. Stay away from me.
I think it's important to ask yourself, is it okay to knowingly offend others that belong to your community? Where do you draw the line, 1%/5%/25% of readers that get offended? When is it to much?
Just because we're on the internet doesn't give us the right to act like children. It's helpful to have those that can enforce the rules of our community, I appreciate the mods efforts to censor the unnecessary.
Some have learned this over time more then others....
I think we've lost to many valuable members to not address the issues that some present with. Keep the rules and enforce them otherwise they mean nothing.
and I believe that people are smart enough to operate the ignore feature and may do so at any time they wish.
this is like the 'no fork in the toaster' sticker...let adults be adults and make their own decisions.
I maintain that it is the censor/edit crowd that is acting childish