Graham;139652 wrote
Like other have mentioned I think you played this one a little too conservatively preflop.
Im sorry, how does THREE BETTING it count as conservative preflop?
old guy raises, I reraise, leaving the rest of the table to call 30 cold preflop.
And I was 100% sure that 2 people had AJ, just by the way it was raised to 60, and then how the old guy capped at 80.
Hence my frustration in deciding whether or not to call the 80 cold to see the river with my 10 outs.
3) Jebus dude, you have top set against a guy whos playing it like AA or QQ, ramma jamma plz.
Was playing against 8 people on the flop, and 6 on the turn. Heads up is a different story
4) Ok, you are a tight nit that sits around watching paint dry until you get delt a top 5 hand. You realise that this table makeup is pretty much the only one where you are a profitable player, right?
No Im not a tight nit, I have the image of a tight nit though. I play a lot of hands, not just top 5, that would be boring. And yes I know that playing with a bunch of monkeys
should be a dream come true, except at this table I was getting zero respect and they always seemed to hit their crazy hands. It was just an unlucky session for me thats all.