playing 180 person 20+2 mtt SnG on stars. 12/45 7010 in chips blinds at 100/200 + 25 ante
curently 13/ 27 stack at 10700.
Just made the money in the PS $10+1R 17:00 event. Currently 7th in chips (170K). Largest at 250K with average at 77K
Edit: Just lost JJ vs KK. Still in good shape with 100K in chips.
Update 2: Short stacked at 20K with blinds at 3/6K, lost a race.
Final Update: Out with A4 is no match for AK for 65th place. Expected a much better finish considering I was in the top 5 in chips starting from 1st break. The two key hands was the JJ vs. KK which cost me 60K, and QQ vs AK cost be another 70K.
Good job guys!
West did you cash good?
I am entered in the Stars $11+R tourny again, just started at 10:15.
First hand I got 99, someone went all in, I decided to gamble.......... :D
All went well until the K on the river. Oh well, it's a rebuy right? :D
MDSGuy wrote
Good job guys!
West did you cash good?
Like $77 or something, I was really setting my eyes for first since I had alot of chips for majority of the tourney, just got unlucky with 2 hands and I was done.
I was going to play the $10R but decided not to enter at the last minute, playing in the $5R right now, not doing so good right now. I'll come rail you for a bit.
WesleyW right?
I am railing you right now.
Yep, I'm also railing you. :D
yeah well I'm railing you both :P
I'm done now. :D 1010, 88, 88 3 hands back to back.
Tough way to go out MDS, just couldn't get it going it with the cards. No worries, you had a good run this morning!
i finshed 12 to take 43 dollars lol. first place was 1800. I was 3 in chips when i was dealt JJ i decided not to overplay em cuz i always get screwed. so i reraised the utg( first in chips) guy who made it 3xbb he called. flop came 259 rainbow i pushed he called w/ KK and thats all she wrote. I feel as though i played really well all tourney. Just got unfortunate at the end.
Playing in the Stars $3+R.
Rebuys and Add on are finally over, sitting in 81st of 1600.
21,600 chips
MDSGuy wrote
Playing in the Stars $3+R.
Rebuys and Add on are finally over, sitting in 81st of 1600.
21,600 chips
I'm also in this still, at about 22,400 right now.
For all you aspiring railbirds out there, Irah (SamENoles#1) on Stars is still kicking in the $215 500k guaranteed today. Down around 80 left now...
GTA Poker
ANyone bored can come watch....played most of this one like a donk, but somehow am still alive.
Stars PLO8 + R ($11)
27/50 with just below avg stack.
Playing in the Stars $20+R.
Currently 78th of 314.
Only one bad beat suckout so far, AA lost to JJ, I pushed him all in on the flop, he called and hit the J on the turn.
Im also at PS playing $20 180 sit n go
10 of 29 left
Took another huge kick in the ass by the same guy, KK vs his JJ, flopped his set again.....
Lost half my stack on that pot, down to 4100 now, 213 of 241.
3 D 5 D.. wanted to make a move and pants on ankles
out in 15th.. thanks to all the railbirds..
stpboy, wolfhound, mdsguy, wesleyw and Society Red... much more fun when you know people are watching
I just joined the 180 person $20+2.
Still waiting for 60 more.
GL Folded!