IronDoc Pushed with AJo...villain/BB A8h...flop all hearts and I'm out in 16th... poorly played hand (earlier on) just wrecks you... Thanks MDS for your support! Bill
moose Sitting in 8th in Paradise freemillion tourney. 4 more players to go and I qualify for the final tourney.
moose Whoo hoo. I qualified for the free Million tourney. With 1 hand to go before I blinded out, the last player bubbled.
ScoobyD Yeah, i can't win there tonight. Really, I couldn't lose...(bout damn time). The table resizing is nice...
folded Don't look now... lol  First time playing High/Low Stud... 2nd place on break with 35 left. Started with 136. Folded-AA on PS Quick question, (if), you get heads up in H/L, do both hands still count? LOL, I couldn't ask this to the table so I came here and asked..
KRT :s: :d: :c: :h: Good luck - my first stud tourney on Party(2 weeks ago) I got 2nd :D :D I just finished an $11 Omaha sng (1st Place) :D practice for tomorrow :D Might watch for awhile - good luck again. KRT
westside8 folded wrote Now 3 with 17 left The Prophet 22 wrote where, handle I'm going to guess Folded-AA on Stars