Hey guys.. Not to advertise or anything. but Im from Toronto and have decided to try something.
I dont want to do anyting that would be considered illegal. Regarding raked hands etc..
WHat i want to do is, is run live freerolls. These would be completely free for all to attend. prizes would be awarded, in the forum of say travlers cheques.. Cash at bank... For security reason dont want large amounts of money flying around table. LOL.
Basically people who are interested would sign up for a pokerroom deal.
I have 2 right now, i am working with. I got the acceptance to run these events..
So you would make a minimum deposit.. 25 bucks.. My site would reimburse you the 25 completely..
Whether you win or lose... you would be refunded. In Turn as well as being refunded you would be entered into a live freerolls for prizes.
My site would consider giving 20 -25 dollars towards prize fund and we are woking with some sponsers for other prizes.
An event would happen, players would sow up get refund. Play and have a good time. Possibly free drinks food etc.. A good night out or afternoon.
I have one going on in the Uk shortly.. Agent there running it for me.
So because im a felllow pker player from T.O. i thought id ask around if anyone was interested in this.
I have most of the equitment. tables. etc.. 2 or 3 dealers on and.. need several more, will be paid.. help running it. etc
Loction i am scouting.. it would be central.. and all players location everything would be posted on my site, winners and all..
I just thought it would be a nice way to get players together and have a gret time without this ilegal stuff of raking.
All my games would be strictly free to join.. no money on table sorta deal..
Completely free and you still would be able to walk away with some good prizes.. i thought for safety reason something that can be transfered into cash, but still is not cash.. gift certificate, visa travlers cheques can cash at bank.
Anyway like i said its all free.. the minimum deposit would refunded.. simply the poker rooms are looking to get some canadain players on site.. and i would get them there.. but not obligate them to spend teir money. THis is why i would refund no matter what... No rake no hand requirement nothing.
Simply play a bit... to make sure its a valid account and all is good.
Anyone wanting to help come over visit the site.
Any ideas?? Would you participate?? Good idea? Bad idea??
I think as a community we could turn this into a good good thing. meet new people have some great fun.
Id most likely do it in Toronto first..and of course go elsewhere..
or i could pay someone to run it in other areas of country..
But would be willing to fly out and run one anywhere in Canada should the numbers warrant it.
Let me know guys if your up for it.. Ill get the ball roling and also let me know if you can asisst.