Hey everyone - just wanted to ask for any tips/advice on how to survive and go deeper in those really long Multi-table tournaments. Recently I had some spare time on my hands and decided to play in a satellite for PokerRoom's entry into the Five Diamons WPT Tournament to take place in Vegas. Yes...I know it's one hell of a longshot chance to satellite through several levels just to get a shot to get that free trip and entry in the Vegas tourney - but you never know sometimes.
I do pretty well when in the first couple of levels of the tournament, but in the latter stages, I tend to lose focus or the blinds catch up to me and then I find myself busted out. Just wondering what other players do when they're locked in on a single tournament for 4+ hours.
Thanks! Maybe I'll give it a shot one more time. I'm pretty sure PokerRoom has one more satellite qualifier this week. Maybe just do it for practice and see what happens.
Red Bull gives me wings!
Seriously though, I'll have a rb for my sunday session.
If you're not in the top stacks, choose your spot, all-in, cross fingers, double up or leave.
If you're in the top stack, aggressive is the key, steal pots but don't get involved with other big stacks unless you have the absolute nuts.
Don't forget that satellite are all or nothing so making the bubble can be quite rewarding you don't have to make a final table.
Alot depends on the structure of the tournament. I find the mtt's on Stars alot better now with their starting stacks of 3k chips. It gives you time to get a feel for the table and one bad move doesn't automatically put you in pushbot mode. FTP however has a measly 2k starting stack and I find there's really not much room to maneuvre with that small a starting stack.
In the beginning, I play tight and don't even bother stealing blinds as their so low that you'll find most people don't respect your pf raises because "it's only 40 more". Just be patient and play your monster hands strong as the fish will usually pay you off in the beginning of these large field mtts.
As the tourney progresses and blinds start getting larger, you really need to have good reads on the table as to who is easy to steal blinds from. Be careful of aggro players who are willing to defend their blinds and also look for weaker players who fold to reraises. Also be careful of getting into blind battles when you're in the SB. If the BB has a hand, you're at a huge disadvantage because you're playing OOP. Take the risks at this stage. Don't play a MTT for the sake of cashing in the money as the payoff is so small, it's really not worth investing that much time just to win back your buyin plus a few bucks. The payouts for mtt's are heavily skewed and the top 3 are rewarded the best. If you ever tell yourself "I just need to get ITM first, then we'll concentrate on winning"; you might as well give up and go play a SNG.
Late in a tourney you need to be careful who you're stealing blinds from. Don't do it without decent hands on a blind who is short stacked as their pushing range is huge. When calling allins, look at their style of play and also their M and figure out their pushing range and if you think you're good enough to call or not. if you have big stack, you can bully the table...especially close to the bubble...guys with miniscule stack have almost given up on winning so they focus on just cashing...push the shorties around with your stack.
No one wins an mtt on skill alone, you need to take risks at some point and get lucky.
If losing focus is your problem, then there's not much anyone can do to help you. If the thought of winning a large mtt and having a good payday doesn't motivate you to stay focused...maybe you should just stick to smaller field tournaments or sit n go's.
Oh I forgot to add...
If you're playing more than one tournament and the 5min breaks don't coincide...an empty 2 litre coke bottle comes in handy ;)
margaud;129488 wroteOh I forgot to add...
If you're playing more than one tournament and the 5min breaks don't coincide...an empty 2 litre coke bottle comes in handy ;)
oh my god...
that's like TMI....
You're probably single aren't ya?
margaud;129488 wroteOh I forgot to add...
If you're playing more than one tournament and the 5min breaks don't coincide...an empty 2 litre coke bottle comes in handy ;)
Ah come on, we all know that Depends are used by the crowd in the know :D
margaud;129488 wroteOh I forgot to add...
If you're playing more than one tournament and the 5min breaks don't coincide...an empty 2 litre coke bottle comes in handy ;)
Every long haul truck driver has at least 1 or 2 piss bottles. Why not poker players?
I turn on some music, usually helps when its a long tournament. Also if u aren't getting cards usually I'll search the internet and look at the sports scores and stuff that way when I start getting the hands again I'll be ready and still alert.
margaud;129488 wroteOh I forgot to add...
If you're playing more than one tournament and the 5min breaks don't coincide...an empty 2 litre coke bottle comes in handy ;)
There are a couple of things I find that help me.
Firstly in a long structured MTT, dont start mucking around with rubbish starting hands and getting fancy with hands like 72os. It will often cause you pain. Of course If you are in the BB and it's a free flop and you hit, that different, but I have seen so many players try to get to fancy with these hands and will often go bust in the first hour.
By all means raise it up preflop with your premium hands like KK, but as raises are not always respected while it's 'cheap' for the fish to call, be carefull of those who hit there 2 pair. Fire on the river and the turn, but if you are re-raised and haven't hit trips or better, then be prepaired to fold. Like wise if you are called down while in position, and it's checked to you on the river, don't be worried to check too, after all it's only a pair.
How to play the re-raising loons. There are those who raise every hand and if you have raised, they will re-raise. More often than not they will have a Raggy ace, small pair or Connectiong/Suited cards. Some will even be happy to play K10 like this. Well there is only two things you can do. Fold or put in a big re-raise/All in. But if you do push, make sure you are doing this while you are in front with at least AK or a large pair.
Calling stations. Always the hardest play to play. Only advice I give is not to raise the river unless you are very strong and are sure you are ahead.
Breaks. These are important. You can never play at your best if you are thinking of the loo or very hungry. Use these 5 minutes in the best way you can.
Patience, patience, patience and did I mention patience. It is very easy to get frustrated early if you are not getting cards to play, but while you are being patient, you are getting a read on the table....the only bad thing about MTT's, you may get moved from table to table....but again, patience is key, play your strong hands strong, and try not to fish early on.
margaud;129488 wroteOh I forgot to add...
If you're playing more than one tournament and the 5min breaks don't coincide...an empty 2 litre coke bottle comes in handy ;)
You forgot to mention to cut the neck off the 2 litre coke bottle.:)
Juggling man
DP_Machine;129442 wrotejust wanted to ask for any tips/advice on how to survive and go deeper in those really long MTTs.
Prevention is key. Abstinence, man, abstinence.
Oh MTTs! Silly me I thought you meant STDs. Uhm, well... heh heh:-[
All great advice..especially about cutting the neck off the bottle. 2 things I can add are the best pieces of advice i have read and I can't remember where I read them (getting a little old ..memory goes first).
First was don't look at where the leaders are in the early going..you'll only get frustrated and start lowering your starting standards (which should be extremely high the first 4 or 5 rounds). They probably won't be around come bubble time anyway.
Second was to set some loose goals. What I do is try to have doubled up by half way through then double up again 3/4 etc,etc. I don't get bummed out if I don't hit the marks but it is something to keep the mind occupied.
I don't get to play many mtt's but since doing this i have finished 2nd twice and cashed a 3rd time in the 15 or so i have played.
Hope that helps and good luck.