moose;128714 wroteEasily dominated by what? AA, KK, QQ, AK? That's four hands. Your goal is to capitalize on mistakes. Why would this dude put all his chips at risk for 1300 in the pot? Even with no read here, I put this guy down for an (excessive) isolation raise. Even if I am wrong, I'm still 2nd in chips at the table, with an addon coming.
Are we trying to win the tournament or make ~$20 for our 3 hours+ invested?
We should always be playing for stacks here and if our opponent is willing to put them in first, we should be willing to take them from him.
Wow, I guess I am weak here.
Yes dominated by AA-QQ -AK , but also behind any pair AND probably way behind as small stack is 50% to have AX.
Without a read here why would you want to take a marginal coin flip?
With the bigger stack you have more weapons post flop, why would you want to risk loosing those tools on a gamble?
Maybe if you had a lower stack and could rebuy+addon take the gamble to drastically improve your position. However, 14k to 23K at the 50/100 level isn't going to drastically improve your position, however dropping to 5K is going to reduce your position.
Maybe Im just weak tight.