Hey Players,
Just an update, the December 9th date is firmed. We're probably going with an 11 am start time although as we're just finishing off Season 1, I've been really busy with all the playoffs and getting Season 2 going but I will firm up the schedule and keep our page updated as I get time for it [
http://www.pokerppl.ca/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=68&Itemid=96 ]
And as for the question about prizing, as there is absolutely no money involved in this event and currently no sponsors, we are going to be giving seats to our Season 2 championships [mostly just bragging rights in those unless we get sponsors which I'm hoping for] and of course, we'll be spending money on the medals like we did this time.
While there is no money to be won, this is a fun and challenging event and I would hope that if you truly love the game, you would overlook the lack of financial gain and embrace the challenge of this type of event for what it is and still think about putting a team in.
Teams should register with me prior to Dec 6th by email at
craig@pokerppl.ca with team name, and all players full first and last names.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.