theshop As usual The Shop is running all weekend long. We kick off tonight at 8PM. Last Wednesday was full with a waitlist so come early to lock up your seat. The first 4 people at The Shop before 8:30PM tonight get a 10% bonus buy. The 1/2NL game will run all night. Free food and drinks as always. The High Hand Jackpot is kicking off at $800 tonight. Come on out and have a few laughs at K-W's most fun place to play. Thanks, The Shop 519-568-3309
STR82ACE Okay, I"m about 95% sure to be there tomorrow night. Anyone I know going to be there as well?
theshop Last night's game just broke!!! See you guys tonight when we start the fun all over again!!! High Hand kicks off at $1200 tonight! Thanks!! The Shop 519-568-3309
theshop Another great night is materializing at The Shop. Call ahead or show up, a couple seats open. Thanks, The Shop 519-568-3309
STR82ACE Finally made it out to the Shop last night. I've been meaning to get there since they opened, but the distance and lack of free time lately just conspired against me. I got there early, thinking I could get the 10% bonus, only to find out they were STILL playing from the night before!! You know its a good club when the game runs almost 24hrs without any breaks. After allowing the host a few minutes to clear up from the previous night, and after getting a few more players, the game finally started. Met many players I've never seen before, and some even deserved respect ;), even if they did beat up on my blinds all night! The dealers were quite good, very quick, and no errors that I saw anyway, and kept the game flowing nicely throughout the night. Rake was not a big issue either, I believe it was 5% capped. Free drinks, great room, and solid play. Even after the host crashed and the hostess controlled the room, the game kept moving smoothly and the atmosphere was always kept light and hospitable. I even came up ahead for a change, which is a nice change for me. Not sure when I will get the chance to head out to The Shop again, but I will hopefully in the near future. Keep up the great work guys/girls!!
STR82ACE AcidJoe;122800 wroteI should have gone last night. If AJ won I could have cleaned up :) Only if you LOOKED at your cards