West Side Poker Club
Largest Home Game format
Sunday August 19th 1:00pm Sharp
All West Side Poker Club games players will start with 10 000 in chips. Our cash game table can seat up to 10 players and one dealer. We had a great game to start the day before the tournament the last time.
The tournament will be 80.00 10,000 Chip Freeze Out
Here's how it is going to work. There is no re-buys and no add-ons.
• Each pre-registered player will pay 80.00.
• Each player will receive 10 000 chips
• Blinds will go up every 25minutes The goal is to end the tournament between 9:30 and 10:30 pm, although we will have the hall till midnight.
• We will be looking to payout the top 10% players.
The date will be Sunday August 19th, 2007. The doors open up at 10:00 am. Shuffle up and deal will be at 1:00 pm. We have room for 96 people. This tournament will be held in a hall between Kitchener and Guelph. We reserve the right to change the blinds after the dinner break to ensure the tournament ends buy midnight.
As always there will be a 2/4 NL ring game available with a min buy in of 60.00 and a max buy in of 300.00. The cash game will start at 10:00am and run right up until the start of the tournament. Players can even pre-register for that here on the forum. Players who are interested in the cash game before the tournament and pre-register, your spot will be held until 9:50 am
Cash Game 10:00am start
1. Reserved for Steve M
2. Reserved for Steve M
3. Reserved for Steve M
4. Steve M
5. Ken F
Players must be pre-register here on the forum or at
1 25 - 25
2 25 - 50
3 50 - 100
4 100 - 200
5 100 - 200 25
6 150 - 300 25
7 200 - 400 50
8 250 - 500 50
9 300 - 600 75
10 400 - 800 75
Remove $25.00 Chips
11 500 - 1000 100
12 600 - 1200 200
13 800 - 1600 200
14 1,000 - 2000 300
15 1,200 - 2400 400
Remove $100.00 Chips
16 1,500 - 3,000 500
17 2,000 - 4,000 500
18 2,500 - 5,000 500
19 3,000 - 6,000 500
Remove $500.00 Chips
20 4,000 - 8,000 1,000
21 5,000 - 10,000 1,000
blinds capped