you'll often find with the Pokerstars Turbo's is that in reality they don't rise that fast
The Turbo SNG's use the same blind levels, but the levels are half as long. That makes the blind structure a
lot faster than the standard SNG's.
Your oppoents may very well play Turbo SNG's poorly, but a good player's edge is greatly cut down by the quicker blind structure. Of course, it's a trade-off, but my instincts suggest that the good player can gain a better edge with more "play" per tournament (i.e. in the regular SNG's).
The blind structure of a pokerstars SNG actually works out much slower than the regular sng at partypoker or the prima network
One of the primary reasons I don't play SNG tournaments at those sites.
Cross-site comparisons aren't really the issue here. Both Turbo and regular SNG's are available at PokerStars, so I would assume that if you're willing to play a Stars Turbo SNG, you would be able to just as easily play a Stars regular SNG.