compuease;119704 wroteOK Matt I deposited $25. on Mansion, userid "compuease" on Friday, played 2 $5. SNG's, and about 4 hours at a 25/50 cent NL table. I ended up with a little over $50. in my account and I now have 20.5 MCP points. I believe that completes the challenge. As I understand it I now get free entry into the Waterloo tournament and a cheque for $75. Is that correct? FYI for the rest of you, this was quite easy and assuming it's on the level everyone should go for it.
Ok, I completed the challenge on Mansion quite easily. Deposited $25. from Moneybookers and gained 20.5 points within a day. My only issue and why I asked the rest of you to hold off was that on the 1deal page I had to submit that I had completed the challenge and as part of that it asked you to give your userid AND password on Mansion. Now of course I had a concern with that. Matt assured me that this was not necessary on other sites as 1Deal had a longer term working relationship with them but was with Mansion it was new and 1Deal had no other way of making sure the player had really done what was required. I proposed another solution which Matt accepted. I simply did a screen capture of the necessary info and emailed it to him. To do this, bring up the appropriate account info screen, press Print Screen, then bring up MS Paint, do an edit, paste, save as a .jpg file and presto, you have the proof that you completed the challenge.
As an aside, gaining 20 points on Mansion should take approx 4 hours playing 25/50 cent NL, easy money!
Now I can't comment on the $100. check as of course I haven't seen it as yet nor can I comment on the live tournament as I haven't played one as yet but so far Matt has lived up to his end of the bargain. No risk so far for sure so give it a try, anyone on here can easily do it. I have $53. on Mansion from my original $25. deposit so far and you know I gotta be one of the worst cash game NL players around.