Aiki65a Admins- any idea why my original account (Aiki65) ended up in a banned state? The last message I saw relating to my account was westside8;117569 wroteI THINK I have enabled your PM function now.
Kristy I can also vouch for him. And I don't even have the doubt implied with the "....." from Mark ;)
Aiki65a westside8;117741 wroteMaybe I screwed something up..haha...I'll look into fixing it for you. Have you had a chance to take a look at this? The account still comes up as banned.
westside8 Aiki65a;118302 wroteHave you had a chance to take a look at this? The account still comes up as banned. Give it a shot now. Should be good.
Aiki65 westside8;119244 wroteGive it a shot now. Should be good. That's got it - and I've got access to PM as well. Thanks for the help.