theshop It's Wednesday! And The Shop's doors are open for another great week of action filled 1/2NL. Last week was a record weekend with TWO games wrapping until 5PM the next day. We want to congratulate Juan for taking down almost $700 in High Hand Jackpot money with his straight flush!! :D The High Hand Jackpot still sits at over $800! We also did a draw for $150 cash that King Mob Dave won. You can qualify for the weekly draw by being one of the first six to show up to a cash game before 8:30PM. We are running the same incentives as last week. So get here early to claim your 10% bonus buy and get your name in the draw for the free $150 cash! Thanks! The Shop 519-568-3309
theshop We are 8 handed right now...great game. The BBQ will be going from 11PM-Midnight, come on out! Thanks, The Shop 519-568-3309
theshop We are running 9 handed right now. Should go until late. Give us a call and come on out! Thanks, The Shop 519-568-3309
theshop It is almost 7AM Friday morning. We are 8 handed. Game should go for a while. Call us and come on out! Thanks, The Shop 519-568-3309
theshop Game going strong 9 handed. One seat open...AT LEAST a solid 3-5 hours of game left. Come on by. It is now 4:40AM Sunday morning. Thanks, The Shop 519-568-3309
theshop Game is 7 handed. Will go deep into tonight. Give us a call or come on by! Thanks, The Shop 519-568-3309