Quacker17;120427 wroteThis tournament is by far the worst tournament i have ever played in. First off the blind structure is awful. 5000 chips 15 min blinds
1000/2000.........and so on what ever happened to the 75/150 and 150/300
Second of all players do not know what is going on talking about there hands while the hand is still being played out. Moving all in before it is even there turn to act and so on.
Lastly the tournament director i don't think even knows how to spell poker its POKER not POKHER ? example
utg raises min folds to sb
sb flat calls
bb pushes for an extra 500
call call
flop is AK blank
utg moves all in before sb checks
sb thinks about it and exposes an ace
then utg exposes his ace
sb's hand should be dead becasue he exposed his card so his hand should be automaticly dead and then it is a showdown between the bb and utg
director calls it that both hands are still live does this make sense?
im surprised you got the turn out that you did.. GG :wav:
A lot of people who run tournaments and small games, outside the clubs in Toronto, use Robert's Rules for there tournaments. Whille Robert's allow for this, it isn't a rule accepted by the major poker tournament casino hosts. Professionals would never allow it. My understanding is you can't even show one card at the WSOP events this year after everyone has folded otherwise dealers will expose both cards.
If I haven't played at the host event before, I useally ask so as not to get caught of guard.
We always announce it at the start of the tournament about the rule of exposed cards - it is a dead hand.
Prophet :2h :2s