Hey Cam/Brent,
Me plus:
David B.
Salvo G.
Andrew Z.
Adam B.
Darren B.
Peter L.
P.S. no FedEx dudes this time...just 100% pure donks!
Got your e-mail, count me in. See you Saturday.
hey brent
I hope to be attending on Saturday. I am scheduled to work but I will know by Friday. I hope to bring two friends, Howie and Rob. Thanks. Hope to see you this sat.
The Prophet 22
Hey Romer,
Thought you were going to miss this one. I haven't seen you on the forum in weeks. Should be a great day.
The Prophet 22
Friday at 6:00pm will be the last for sending out the directions. It is going to be a great weekend. Hopefully the first of many for West Side in Toronto.
Prophet 22
Take me off the list. My son is in a play this week and I haven't had a chance to get out to see him due to business commitments and Saturday will be my last chance.
Brent, can you confirm the time. As per the OP, it's a late start, 2pm??
The Prophet 22
STR82ACE;117311 wroteBrent, can you confirm the time. As per the OP, it's a late start, 2pm??
2:00pm sharp cards are in the air
Brent, I see that you have Larry, Bob and I on the list. I had never planned on attending tomorrow as I have a family function that has been scheduled for a couple of months. I did speak to Larry though and he says that he is planning on going. I will remind Bob when I see him tonight. I think Larry (Mr A-7) has been trying to call you on your cell. Can you PM me the address so I can let them know? I believe the 3 of us are coming to Fergus on Sunday as well. Jeff...
The Prophet 22
compuease;117316 wroteBrent, I see that you have Larry, Bob and I on the list. I had never planned on attending tomorrow as I have a family function that has been scheduled for a couple of months. I did speak to Larry though and he says that he is planning on going. I will remind Bob when I see him tonight. I think Larry (Mr A-7) has been trying to call you on your cell. Can you PM me the address so I can let them know? I believe the 3 of us are coming to Fergus on Sunday as well. Jeff...
PM sent
I misunderstood, I thought at g2's you said you were coming because it did not conflict with the seneca trip
Add Pawel and Mike C.
Sorry for the short notice Brent/Cam but I can't make it today.
Hells Ya Sandy!
Way To Go
Girl Power 4 Life!
I must assume that SAndy took it down. Great job. It was a great day for poker. I made the final table, but went really card dead once i got there.
Great day Brent and Cam. :) . Thanks to Shane for having us all there to play. Was nice not to have to drive for over an hour to play in a westside tourney.
See you all next time.
Great come back Sandy, I figured once you got Todd out of the way you would win.. :)
Congrats Sandy! That final table was crazy! I should played tighter to place higher in the money. Nice to see Shane again after 3 years since I was a regular at his club. Having real poker tables/ dealers with free beverages and food was a bonus!
Thanks to Brent and Cam!
Not sure who Sandy was, but if it was lady on my left at the first table, nicely done!!
I decided to go to my first West Side tournament this month. Ironically it was held in Toronto and I live in Kitchener. However I have to say that the club was fantastic - nice tables, good food, and great dealers. It was really easy to get to off the 427. I enjoyed the tournament structure very much - especially the 45 minute blinds late in the tournament while we were playing at the final table.
Yes, I did "win" yesterday at West Side - although technically it was a chop. After eight and a half hours of poker including close to an hour of heads up play, Jay and I were almost dead even in chips and we decided to let everyone go home. Congratulations to Jay - you played a fantastic tournament. You played the short stack extremely well and you were extremely patient in the heads up game. Twice while we were at the same table I had a chance to take you out of the tournament and you wouldn't take the bait. I said at the time I would probably regret not getting you out of the tournament earlier :).
Over the course of the tournament I had pocket aces once early (where I got the blinds) and pocket kings four times (and no other pockets bigger than eights). The first time I had kings was when we were down to three tables. I ended up all-in vs. jacks on a jack high flop. I thought that cost me the tournament because it left me with about 9000 in chips. The second time I had kings was vs. Jay with two tables left. He was the short stack and I thought he would have felt pot committed and go all-in. I slow-played until the river by which time I had a full-house, but I couldn't get Jay to push in his chips. The third time I had kings I only got the blinds. I felt like I had played the kings badly all three times. The fourth time I got kings was with about seven players left. The big stack raised, I went all-in and got a call. It was kings vs. tens and the kings held up - unlike most of the 80-20 all-in situations we had at the final table. That moved me from average stack to second place at the table. The rest of the tournament was a lot of small pots and one suck-out vs. the small stack that ended up taking him out in third place.
Thanks to Brent and Cam for a great tournament. I enjoyed the poker and the venue. It was well worth the extra drive - and I'm not just saying that because I won.
STR82ACE;117408 wroteNot sure who Sandy was, but if it was lady on my left at the first table, nicely done!!
I didn't know many people at the tournament. The person to my right at the first table had a straight flush in the first few hands.
thanks guys for running another excellent tournament. Although your numbers were down from the Guelph tournaments, hopefully this location will continue to gain momentum. Definitely an improvement from Guelph with the addition of dealers, free food and drinks, and nice facilities. The guy behind the bar (not sure if he is the owner?) actually seemed to be enjoying preparing all the food for the players. Fresh fruit, grilled chicken, pizza, etc. The only complaint from players seemed to be the smoking to close to the poker tables.
My tournament seemed to come down to JJ. My first big mistake was when the blinds were at 200/400 and I get dealt JJ. I smooth call hoping for a raise but end up with four callers. When the flop comes 2 4 8, I raise $1,000 and the player in the dealer button comes over the top with a $4,000 raise. I figure he would have raised pre-flop with either QQ,KK or AA so he probably has A8 or maybe trips. I think a while and decide to go all-in for his last 4,000. He shows 48 clubs and I was pretty surprised that he played these cards, even from the dealer button. In a cash game sure, but for 1/10th of his chips, not sure I would make this call. This left me with $450 in chips and I was able to make it back up past 6,000 pretty quick. The next hand of interest, again I get dealt JJ and I know the guy to my right wants to go home as his buddy keeps asking him to hurry up, so when he goes all-in for his last 5,000 in chips, I make the call. He shows A7, and with only 3 outs I think I am good. But of course he hits the full house, and I only last a few more hands. In any case, still was a fun day of poker.
The Prophet 22
Cam and I want to thank everyone who came out to the tournament this weekend.
I wish I could figure out how to reward those who sign up and show up for the tournaments. The reason I need the sign ups is to figure out cost and people needed to run a tournament, especially when dealers are required as they were this past weekend. We were suppose to have about 65 people and ended up with 43. I do not pad the list, but I am sorry about the numbers.
As you know by now, Sandy chopped with Jason 2200.00. for first and second. Third went to Todd P and took 440.00 Fourth went to Jeremy L and took home 300.00 Fifth went to Romer who won the free entry to the next tournament.
As always, we trust you had a good time and we will hopefully see you at our next event.
Brent and Cam
West Side Poker Club