Hey guys and gals!
Just a reminder that we are running Wed-Sun now.
Our new schedule is at the bottom.
We are going to be spreading 1/2PLO starting next Wednesday.
Last Sunday's tournament was a riot! The winner took home almost $500!
Our tournament runs every Sunday at 2PM. We provide dealers, food and drinks and there is a 1/2NL cash game to follow.
Remember, the player that logs the most hours in the live games during the week, gets a free entry into Sunday's tourney.
Our High Hand Jackpot is $500! Come on out to get your piece.
The 1/2NL action has been great. We appreciate your support and if we get good turnouts this weekend, we will definitely have a plasma TV in The Shop over the coming weeks.
Come check out our revised food and drink menu, oh yeah, it's ALL ON THE HOUSE.
This week's bonuses:
-Bring a new player to Wednesday's game and get 10% of what they bought in for in CASH and a free buy in into Sunday's tournament.
-Be one of the first SIX players to show up before 8:30PM on Wednesday and receive a 10% bonus buy.
-Bring a new player to ANY game this week and receive 10% of what they bought in for in CASH!
-All entries into Sunday's Tournament get $10 extra in chips for the 1/2NL game after.
New Schedule:
Wednesday: 1/2NL AT 8PM
Thursday: 1/2NL AT 8PM
Friday: 1/2NL AT 8PM
Saturday: 1/2NL AT 8PM
Sunday: $40 Tournament AT 2PM and 1/2NL AT 5PM. (Whenever a tourney table breaks.)
The Shop in KW.
Phone: 519-568-3309