Voodoo;115306 wroteProbably not a good idea to list the address... you're better off asking anyone interested in coming out to PM you for address details.
New to the forum and wondering why?
If the game is open to anyone and its in a public venue, what's the harm? I can understand this advice being extended to the listing of a home game.
I was excited when I discovered all these listings for local live games, but have been frustrated by the lack of info regarding location.
I don't think I can PM or I don't know how to...probably both. I tried emailing one club about a tourney, but got no response. Their website was no help either.
Anyway, I was glad to see a full address description, not just a vague one that means nothing to me if I'm not familiar with the area, or no address at all.
So, since I personally find it helpful, I'm wondering why it is discouraged?