The Prophet 22 Thanks to everyone who came out yesterday to support our third year anniversary. We had 74 people show out of the 114 that were registered. We trustyou had a great time I will post the results tomorrow. Thanks to all you are greatly appreciated. West Side Poker Club
The Prophet 22 1st James B. 2000.00 2nd Andrew 1300.00 3rd Brett 800.00 4th Lu G 500.00 5th Lou G 300.00 6th Tim R 140.00 7th Bill 140.00 Bubble Mario
STR82ACE The Prophet 22;112915 wrote Bubble Mario Always the bridesmaid, huh Mario ;) Great game everyone. Happy Anniversary to West Side. You guys put on a great event.
JohnnieH STR82ACE;112922 wroteAlways the bridesmaid, huh Mario ;) Don't mess with the hat, baby!