We Are On This Week and Every Week at The RiverRoom
Every Tuesday for our ($150) Freezeout (5000 in starting chips)
Cards fly at 8:30pm. Dinner served at 7:30 pm.
And every Thursday for our ($250) Freezeout (7500 in starting chips)
First prize up to $4000
Always a
5-5 No limit game
that runs deep into the A.M.
State of the art big screen projecter with the latest tournament software and the big game!!.
Simply a great place to relax and play, or even host your own event (just ask).
We are Located at 21 Toryork Road. (Toryork is one light north of finch off weston road)
Just email me at
theriverroom@hotmail.com or call 6474003189 to reserve your spot in the best game in town
Monthly Look for our "WPT SUPER SATELLITES"
$550 Freezeout!! (10,000 in chips, 30 min Blind rounds)
And every tournament comes with a point system where every entrant earns points towards monthly rewards, and yearly titles, which can include
Entries into main stream poker events!! (points are awarded to everyone, but quantity is based on tournament finishes